Engaging & Interactive

No more boring lessons!

Our courses are fast, fun, and interactive. Short videos, lots of graphics, and interesting activities like games and discussion boards, will not only be effective, they will keep you awake!
Two students working together

Calm Your Fears

Are you anxious about studying abroad in English? Find out what to expect and master key university skills before you get there. Our quick and easy lessons move you forward on your schedule.


“The MLA lessons designed by the instructor were very creative and that makes me excited to learn more.”

Student's Post-Lesson Survey Comment, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

“100% would recommend WORDS with JENN's MLA Style Format & Citation Lessons and 50-100% of information was NEW!”

MLA Post-Lesson SurveyMonkey Data

“Words with Jenn is a great resource, seriously.”

Jennifer Judy, Auburn Global ESL Instructor, in SurveyMonkey Comment about WORDS with JENN Lessons

“Excellent perspective and learning tool. I think this video provides enough content in relation to music as a tool for language acquisition.”

T Lloyd, Comment on "Learning Language Through Music" video on YouTube

“Great job on the online workshop! It is fabulous!”

Pepper Boyer, Auburn Global ESL Instructor, in Unsolicited Email

Jenn's Mission

With 25 Years of Experience...

As a master educator and eLearning designer, Jenn knows what international university students need to succeed. She knows you've already been studying English for YEARS, and you just need to polish that learning! You shouldn't have to wait until you arrive to get started. You can fit these lessons into your busy schedule now.
Master Teacher Jennifer Paz